Small Groups

Federated Small Groups meet in-person or via Zoom. We currently have several adult classes meeting weekly. 

Join a group at any time…

Pastor Dusty’s Sunday School Class...

Join Pastor Dusty’s Sunday Morning Discussion entitled “Waiting For God.” We will all experience times of waiting in the midst of uncertainty or suffering or great need. During these times we may feel desperate for something to change or for a sign of hope that will change soon. This study will highlight people in the Bible that were called to wait and how we might learn to wait well. The class meets in the chapel and runs from 9:30-10:15am

Thursday Evening Bible Study...

Pastor Dusty is leading a group on Thursday's through the gospel of Mark. This group is made up of people who worship at Federated Church and those that worship online.  If you would like to participate in the discussion, let Dusty know so a study guide can be ordered for you.  This class meets via Zoom. You may contact Dusty, or contact the church office at (765) 463-5564 or

Modern Moral Dilemmas...

...Sunday Morning from 9:30-10:15am Dudley Herron is facilitating a class in the conference room, through material entitled “Come, Let us Play God.” This is a discussion of modern moral dilemmas.

Ladies Bible Study...

Weekly Bible Study on Wednesday at 9:30 am; Location: Church Chapel.

Saints and Sinners Revisited...

The first Saturday of the month from 10-noon a small group of us meets in Trimmer Hall for some fellowship and bible study.We are discussing Growing Older and Wiser. Some of the chapters include, Wise Up (James), Listening to the Young (Job). Wiser by Faith (Genesis), A Reason to Be Here (Philippians), and Lifelong Trust (Psalms). The rest of the chapters are secret and you will have to come join us to see what they are! We usually have coffee and donuts or some pastry. We are a small group that spends time talking and laughing as well as studying. If you would like to join us, please let Lynette know via text or email so we make sure to have enough books.

Men's Coffee...

...Gather monthly with our Men’s Coffee Group for fellowship with coffee and doughnuts. This group meets the third Saturday of every month at 9:00am. Location: Trimmer Fellowship Hall; Leader: Mike Gibson.

Women’s donuts, coffee and conversation…

Join us for great conversation on the last Saturday of the month at 9am in Trimmer Hall.

2400 Sycamore Lane, West Lafayette, IN 47906

(765) 463-5564