Outreach-Mission Team

Looking for the word Missions? Here at Federated you'll find the word Mission and Outreach combined. Outreach means to extend beyond oneself, and Federated is full of individuals who are constantly reaching out into the community and making connections. Part of our Church's mission statement is to share Christ's love through serving others, and the Outreach team works diligently to fulfill this goal.


We are dedicated to acknowledging and providing meaningful ways for the congregation to connect with our community. We look for ways to provide support—not only financially, but through our activities and conversations. 

In 2024, the Outreach Team will:

·    Choose, advertise, and carry out, our Better than a Buck campaigns each month. The “Better than Buck” campaign invites each person in church to give one dollar more than they would have normally given in support of a specific charity in our community.  

  •  Provide LUM shelter meals quarterly
  •  Assist in a Habitat build
  •  Assemble a team to walk in the LUM Hunger Hike
  •  Host an onsite Trunk or Treat
  •  Host a Community Picnic
  •  Host LUM Jubilee Christmas
  • Volunteer at Heads up at Briarwood, an afterschool program
  • Veggie Drop-collect and distribute produce from the farmer's market each Wednesday and Saturday
  • Distribute Food Finder boxes at Country villa on the first Friday of the month
  • Serve at the Church Women United Food Pantry quarterly
  • Steward the Mission/Outreach budget wisely
  •  Strategically invite mission- minded speakers to our Federated worship service and all church dinners, the last Wednesday of each month.
  • And so much more! 

The Outreach Team meets by Zoom on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to work with a great group of people who are dedicated to reaching out to others with the love of Christ, we invite you to our monthly meetings. For more information, contact Scottie Pouliot scottiebrittsan@gmail.com for a Zoom link to our next meeting.

2400 Sycamore Lane, West Lafayette, IN 47906

(765) 463-5564