Children and Youth

Federated Church has a wide variety of opportunities for engaging children and youth. On Sunday morning, we offer child care for infants and a discussion-based Sunday School class for our youth. During our worship service, we have a Children’s Message, when kids of all ages are invited to come forward for a special time. Ages 4-5th grade are invited to Worship and Wonder after the Children’s Message. Federated Church also has an annual Vacation Bible School that occurs in the summer.

Our children and youth participate in the worship service each week as acolytes and scripture readers, and there are special youth activities planned throughout the year. Federated Church ensures its adult supervisors and trained staff undergo Healthy Boundaries seminars and CPR training to ensure the safety of your child. For more information on how your child can get involved as part of Federated Church, we invite you to contact our office at

  • Child Care: Sundays at 10:15am; Attendant: Jenna Williams; Location: Church Nursery (second floor on the right)
  • Youth Class: Sundays at 9:30 am; Location: Parlor (second floor on the left)
  • Worship and Wonder: Age 4 – 5th Grade; Every Sunday During Worship; Location: Worship and Wonder Classroom (bottom floor)

2400 Sycamore Lane, West Lafayette, IN 47906

(765) 463-5564